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chinese young pioneer
中国少年先锋队  detail>>
young pioneer
少年先锋队员 少先队员  detail>>
chinese young pioneers
中国少年先锋队  detail>>
salute of the chinese young pioneers
队礼  detail>>
 n.  1.拓荒者,开辟者;提倡者;先锋,先驱。 2.【军事】轻工兵。 3.【生物学】先驱生物。  短语和例子 &nb...  detail>>
pioneer the
先锋  detail>>
the pioneer
开拓者 拓荒者  detail>>
stewed young hen with chinese chestnut
板栗焖仔鸡  detail>>
the young
年轻人 青年们  detail>>
will young
威尔杨  detail>>
with young
(指动物)怀胎的 怀胎 with p. 有  detail>>
 n.  杨格〔姓氏〕。  adj.  (younger; youngest ) 1.年轻的,幼小的,幼嫩的(opp. ...  detail>>
a pioneer’s way
拓荒者的足迹  detail>>
ansett pioneer
安捷先锋公司  detail>>
ashanti pioneer
亚山蒂先锋报  detail>>
fashion pioneer
时尚先锋  detail>>
future pioneer
未来先锋  detail>>
pioneer 0
先驱者0号  detail>>